The Light of the World - CTK Solar Panel Project
Thank you, God, for the warmth of the sunshine that reminds us of the warmth of your love. Amen.
The sun sustains all life on earth and yet, we harness far too little of its energy. Instead, we run our lives with fossil fuels that harm the earth when expelled into the atmosphere. As Christians who are excited to be a new creation, we must learn how to realign with the Sun and our planet.
For the last several years, our leadership teams have been looking into solar power as a means to generate the energy we use, help the environment, and lower our energy bill all at the same time. CTK has a lot of flat roofs with good exposure. The only thing that was stopping us from adding solar panels was the cost. But now, thanks to Duke Energy rebates and Federal Government incentives, we can do this good work at a 70% discount. Last month our congregation council approved Southern Energy Management Company, a local woman-owned business, to begin Phase I of the Solar panel project on the roof above Nagle Hall. Thanks to a generous donation, combined with last year’s $16,000 general fund surplus, Phase I's basic costs are paid for! For detailed plans for Phase I, click here.
Now for Phase II. Our next goal is to place another round of solar panels on the roof above the Sanctuary. Since we knew we could get more guaranteed bang-for-our-buck in 2023, we went ahead and ordered two inverters for the Nagle Hall roof to prepare us for in Phase II. Thus, we want to move onto Phase II as soon as the roof is ready, which we anticipate it will be by the beginning of 2024. We also need to “get in line” for solar panel production as it can take months for our shipment to come in. And even though the next round of Duke Energy rebates are up in the air, we can count on the 30% National Government incentive to be activated in 2024. The cost of each solar panel for Phase II is estimated at $1,200 up front. We anticipate a savings of 30% or more after rebates, which is a great bargain! Take a look at the video that was made for this project by CTK college student Emily Bell and Pastor Daniel.
CTK Solar Project
We all at CTK are committed to fighting climate change by lowering our carbon footprint and dependance on fossil fuels. The total solar panel project will enable us to use clean energy to run our ministries and set an example of good stewardship of the Earth that has been entrusted to us.
Please review this giving chart and consider where you fit in making a gift. We know that folks have different levels that they can give. No gift is too big or too small. The “hoped for givers” shows how we can complete this project as folks give what they can. When you are ready to give a gift, you can write a check with “solar panel project” in the memo line, fill out a pledge card, or give on Church Center. There will also be an opportunity to pledge or give during worship on April 23rd.
Thank you, oh Lord, for the sunshine that reminds us of the warmth of your love. Amen.