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Child leaning on parent in traditional worship

Our Purpose

Making disciples who learn, live, and tell the story of God's grace.


Vibrant, growing, increasing in diversity of ages, races, and cultures, Christ the King Lutheran Church strives to welcome all people, provide uplifting worship, and equip our members for witness and service for the sake of the world. 

Strategic Directions

Prioritized 2021-2025. Developed and voted into effect by the congregation.

Restoring people, renewing the church...

After an extended period of stress and isolation due to the pandemic, people need healing and restoration for themselves and for our church.  We have the opportunity to learn from the past and strive to be a “hybrid” church with a strong online presence and an equally robust in-person option.  

Welcoming and embracing all people...

Jesus tells us to welcome the stranger as we welcome him. We foster a culture of affirmation and inclusion of all, particularly those marginalized or excluded by the church; especially we strive to be a welcoming and affirming church for Black and Brown people and for the LGBTQIA+ community. We commit to strengthening personal relationships within and outside our congregation, providing a safe space for difficult conversations.

Working for peace, justice, and a healthy environment...

Jesus compels us to stand up for peace and justice. We are commanded in the creation story to be good stewards of the environment. We will speak and amplify the voices of those who have been marginalized and advocate for societal changes that promote the wellbeing of all of God’s children. We commit to being unafraid to engage within our congregation and with our neighbors on issues of social justice and to build a “greener” campus. 

Loving and serving our neighbors...

Our congregation is ministering in a multicultural and multilingual context.  We commit to evangelism and intentional outreach so that our church will increasingly reflect the diversity of the larger community. We will engage with our neighbors across the street and across the world through service and witness.

Confronting racism in church and society...

The Bible teaches us that there is one Body of Christ and that no part of it is more important than another. Racism is sin.  We commit to confronting systemic racism and White supremacy and to learning the racial history of America and our involvement in it.  

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